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Research Paper Mentoring

Written your paper, but not sure it's quite right?  Use Research Paper Mentoring (RPM)

Any CTC student can submit a final draft of a research paper for a CTC class to the librarians for evaluation; it's easy:

1. CREATE: new email using your CTC EagleMail account

2. Send TO: [email protected]


4. ATTACH: Final draft of your research paper (only MS Word is accepted)

5. In body of EagleMail email, provide:

  • Your first and last name
  • CTC ID
  • Description of class/academic endeavor


NOTE:  Only final drafts of your paper will be accepted. If your paper is not at an acceptable standard, it will be returned to you for correction and resubmission. Research paper reviews will be processed in the order in which they are received.

Disclaimer: Library staff provides guidance, direction and suggestions in the review of papers. As papers are reviewed by different librarians, there will be variances in the response received. Students or instructors may disagree with review suggestions. All questions about the paper should be directed to the instructor.

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Can't find what you need?

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) materials are books, articles, or other items borrowed from other libraries for use by CTC patrons.

The ILL Department can locate books and journal articles which are NOT part of the CTC Library collection and arrange to have them sent here for you to use. You can check the Library Catalog for books and hard copy journals or our electronic resources for articles first.

Materials not available for loan:

Materials usually not available for ILL include: newspapers, reference items, current periodicals, bound periodical volumes, required textbooks, genealogical and local history materials, audiovisual materials, thesis, dissertations, microfilm/form.

How do I request an ILL?

Search for the item you are looking for in the Library Catalog.


TexShare is a state-funded program that allows participating libraries to extend free, reciprocal borrowing privileges to each other's patrons in an effort to provide direct access to materials not available at the home library.

How do I get a TexShare card?

Bring your current CTC ID and request one at the Hobby Memorial Library Circulation Desk. You must get a TexShare card from CTC before you can borrow materials from other institutions.

Where can I use it?

You can use your TexShare card at most libraries in the state of Texas. Check to see if the library you are interested in is a TexShare Participant and view their lending policy.


How to use this guide

Navigate through the tabs to find books, databases, and other resources. Each tab contains instruction for accessing and using the provided resources. Learn how to find information, evaluate websites, cite sources, and more!