MLA stands for the Modern Language Association, which is currently in its Ninth Edition. This particular style guide is used for the academic disciplines of Humanities, some of these are:
- Foreign Languages
- Comparative Literature
- English Language & Literature
- Cultural Studies
This is not a comprehensive list, each instructor will inform you of which citation they prefer as well as any particular instructions that the instructor wants to include for citations.
This citation style is used whenever the work you are creating has information that is not your own, that you have paraphrased, used a direct quote, or any other type of information or data that you are using from a particular source.
When writing your papers, keep in mind a few things:
- The paper itself will have citations from the works and sources you are using
- The citations will have a page dedicated to them, listing them all, this is the Works Cited page
- Both the paper itself and the Works Citied Page have a format that must be followed