Covers business related materials. General browsing topics - PLANNING - Budgeting; Business Ideas; Business Plans; Market Research; Marketing. START -
Trending Small Businesses; Entrepreneurs; Home-Based Businesses; Franchises;
Minority-, Veteran-, Women-Owned Businesses; Business Structures / Legal Entities; Networking / Learning from Others. FUND - Angel Investors and Venture Capital; Government Funding Options; Loans and Grants; Self Funding; Traditional Lending Sources. MANAGE - Financing Your Business; Expanding Your Business;
Managing Your Employees; Selling and Marketing Your Business; Technology.
The database is a good resource for students learning about general business principles, marketing a business, getting funding, and managing a company.
Gain Deep Insight on Companies Around the Globe.
Explore the world's companies through expert analysis such as SWOT analyses, financial statements, case studies and articles from academic journals, trade magazines, news outlets and more.
The database is a great resource for students in HRPO 1311 that have to research different aspects of a company's corporate culture.